Goliad Heroes Day March 27

After the fall of the Alamo, Santa Anna's army attacked Colonel James W. Fannin and

his men in the Battle of Coleto, near Goliad. The Texians were defeated and Fannin 

surrendered, the men believing they would be treated honorably as prisoners of war. The 

prisoners were marched back to La Bahia presidio at Goliad. At sunrise on Palm Sunday, 

1836, those prisoners who were able to walk were marched out in groups along the Bexar,

Copano, and Victoria roads. Less than a mile from the garrison, all were executed at close

range. Most were killed instantly, but a few managed to escape. Back at the garrison, those

who were unable to march, including Colonel Fannin, were also executed. In all, 342 brave

Texans lost their lives at Goliad on March 27, 1836. Their remains were burned and left 

unburied for almost three months until the bones were gathered and buried in a mass

grave with full military honors by General Thomas J. Rusk. In later years, markers were 

erected, the gravesite authenticated by University of Texas anthropologists, and on June 4,

1938, a massive pink granite monument was dedicated as part of the Texas Centennial. 

The tragedy at Goliad provoked even greater fervor in the Texians to defeat Santa Anna and 

his army, and along with "Remember the Alamo," the cry of "Remember Goliad" inspired 

the Texians to victory at San Jacinto a few weeks later.